• 1403/02/31
  • - تعداد بازدید: 120
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 ساعت و 25 دقیقه

مقالات مرکز تحقیقات 2015-2021

Number Authors Title Year Source title
1 Mosavat S.H.; Ghahramani L.; Haghighi E.R.; Chaijan M.R.; Hashempur M.H.; Heydari M. Anorectal diseases in Avicenna’s “Canon of medicine”; [Anorektalne bolesti u Aviceninu “Kanonu medicine”] 2015 AMHA - Acta Medico-Historica Adriatica
2 Hashempur M.H.; Heydari M.; Mosavat S.H.; Heydari S.T.; Shams M. Complementary and alternative medicine use in Iranian patients with diabetes mellitus 2015 Journal of Integrative Medicine
3 Ebrahiminezhad A.; Varma V.; Yang S.; Ghasemi Y.; Berenjian A. Synthesis and application of amine functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles on menaquinone-7 fermentation: A step towards process intensification 2015 Nanomaterials
4 Hashempur M.H.; Lari Z.N.; Ghoreishi P.S.; Daneshfard B.; Ghasemi M.S.; Homayouni K.; Zargaran A. A pilot randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial on topical chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) oil for severe carpal tunnel syndrome 2015 Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
5 Madadizadeh F.; Asar M.E.; Hosseini M. Common statistical mistakes in descriptive statistics reports of normal and non-normal variables in biomedical sciences researc 2015 Iranian Journal of Public Health
6 Haghnejad L.; Emamalizadeh B.; Jamshidi J.; Bidoki A.Z.; Ghaedi H.; Ahmadi E.; Abdollahi S.; Shahmohammadibeni N.; Taghavi S.; Fazeli A.; Motallebi M.; Zarneh A.E.S.; Mohammadihosseinabad S.; Abbaszadegan M.R.; Torkamandi S.; Gavenaroudi M.A.; Pedram N.; Shahidi G.-A.; Tafakhori A.; Darvish H.; Movafagh A. Variation in the miRNA-433 binding site of FGF20 is a risk factor for Parkinson's disease in Iranian population 2015 Journal of the Neurological Sciences
7 Heyadri M.; Hashempur M.H.; Ayati M.H.; Quintern D.; Nimrouzi M.; Mosavat S.H. The use of Chinese herbal drugs in Islamic medicine 2015 Journal of Integrative Medicine
8 Shoara R.; Hashempur M.H.; Ashraf A.; Salehi A.; Dehshahri S.; Habibagahi Z. Efficacy and safety of topical Matricaria chamomilla L. (chamomile) oil for knee osteoarthritis: A randomizedcontrolled clinical trial 2015 Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
9 Heydari M.; Shams M.; Hashempur M.H.; Zargaran A.; Dalfardi B.; Borhani-Haghighi A. The origin of the concept of neuropathic pain in early medieval Persia (9th-12th century CE); [Izvorište pojma neurogene boli u ranosrednjevjekovnoj Perziji (9.-12. stoljeće)] 2015 AMHA - Acta Medico-Historica Adriatica
10 Bastami M.; Ghaderian S.M.; Omrani M.D.; Mirfakhraie R.; Nariman-Saleh-Fam Z.; Mansoori Y.; Masotti A. Evaluating the association of common UBE2Z variants with coronary artery disease in an Iranian population 2015 Cellular and Molecular Biology
11 Zohalinezhad M.E.; Askari A.; Farjam M. Clinical stories and medical histories recorded by rhazes (865-925), The Iranian - Islamic physician in the medieval period; [Kliničke priče i medicinske anamneze koje je zabilježio rhazes (865.–925.), Iransko-Islamski liječnik srednjega vijeka] 2015 AMHA - Acta Medico-Historica Adriatica
12 Farjam M.; Zhang G.-X.; Ciric B.; Rostami A. Emerging immunopharmacological targets in multiple sclerosis 2015 Journal of the Neurological Sciences
13 Askari A.; Farjam M.; Zohalinezhad M.E. Early reports of bone repair techniques and bone xenograft in Persian traditional medicine 2015 Journal of Integrative Medicine
14 Mohkam M.; Nezafat N.; Berenjian A.; Mobasher M.A.; Ghasemi Y. Identification of Bacillus Probiotics Isolated from Soil Rhizosphere Using 16S rRNA, recA, rpoB Gene Sequencing and RAPD-PCR 2016 Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
15 Moravej A.; Karimi M.-H.; Geramizadeh B.; Aghdaie M.H.; Kohi-Hoseinabadi O.; Ebrahimnezhad S. Effect of mesenchymal stem cells on ILT3 expression in the splenocytes of skin graft recipient mice 2016 Iranian Journal of Immunology
16 Rahimi-Aliabadi S.; Daftarian N.; Ahmadieh H.; Emamalizadeh B.; Jamshidi J.; Tafakhori A.; Ghaedi H.; Noroozi R.; Taghavi S.; Ahmadifard A.; Alehabib E.; Andarva M.; Shokraeian P.; Atakhorrami M.; Darvish H. A novel mutation and variable phenotypic expression in a large consanguineous pedigree with Jalili syndrome 2016 Eye (Basingstoke)
17 Yousefi A.; Mahmoudi E.; Zare Bidoki A.; Najmi Varzaneh F.; Baradaran Noveiry B.; Sadr M.; Motamed F.; Najafi M.; Farahmand F.; Rezaei N. IL4 gene polymorphisms in Iranian patients with autoimmune hepatitis 2016 Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
18 Farjam M.; Askari A.; Hoseinipour A.; Homayounfar R.; Jamshidi J.; Khodabakhshi F.; Zakeri H. A cohort study protocol of low back pain in rural area inhabitants: Fasa low back pain cohort study (FABPACS) 2016 Galen Medical Journal
19 Mobasher M.A.; Montazeri-Najafabady N.; Ghasemi Y. An optimized condition for vinegar production in fermenter by Gluconobacter oxydans 2016 Minerva Biotecnologica
20 Osati S.; Homayounfar R.; Hajifaraji M. Metabolic effects of vitamin D supplementation in vitamin D deficient patients (a double-blind clinical trial) 2016 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews
21 Atakhorrami M.; Rahimi-Aliabadi S.; Jamshidi J.; Moslemi E.; Movafagh A.; Ohadi M.; Mirabzadeh A.; Emamalizadeh B.; Ghaedi H.; Gholipour F.; Fazeli A.; Motallebi M.; Taghavi S.; Ahmadifard A.; Mohammadihosseinabad S.; Shafiei Zarneh A.E.; Shahmohammadibeni N.; Madadi F.; Andarva M.; Darvish H. A genetic variant in CAMKK2 gene is possibly associated with increased risk of bipolar disorder 2016 Journal of Neural Transmission
22 Najafi S.; Mohammadzadeh M.; Bidoki A.Z.; Meighani G.; Aslani S.; Mahmoudi M.; Rezaei N. HLA-DRB and HLA-DQB Allele and haplotype frequencies in Iranian patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis 2016 Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
23 Bahramali E.; Askari A.; Zakeri H.; Farjam M.; Dehghan A.; Zendehdel K. Fasa Registry on acute Myocardial Infarction (FaRMI): Feasibility study and pilot phase results 2016 PLoS ONE
24 Heydari M.; Dalfardi B.; Hashempur M.H.; Kolouri S. Johannitius (809-873 AD), a bridge between Greek and Persian knowledge of the pulse 2016 International Journal of Cardiology
25 Jamshidi J.; Naderi H.; Taghavi S.; Emamalizadeh B.; Darvish H. A Novel PKD1 Mutation in a Patient with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease 2016 International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine
26 Farzaneh F.; Noghabaei G.; Barouti E.; Pouresmaili F.; Jamshidi J.; Fazeli A.; Taghavi S.; Emamalizadeh B.; Darvish H. Analysis of CYP17, CYP19 and CYP1A1 gene polymorphisms in Iranian women with breast cancer 2016 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
27 Ebrahimi N.; Rasoul-Amini S.; Niazi A.; Erfani N.; Moghadam A.; Ebrahiminezhad A.; Ghasemi Y. Cytotoxic and apoptotic effects of three types of silver-iron oxide binary hybrid nanoparticles 2016 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
28 Ebrahiminezhad A.; Varma V.; Yang S.; Berenjian A. Magnetic immobilization of Bacillus subtilis natto cells for menaquinone-7 fermentation 2016 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
29 Ebrahiminezhad A.; Berenjian A.; Ghasemi Y. Template free synthesis of natural carbohydrates functionalised fluorescent silver nanoclusters 2016 IET Nanobiotechnology
30 Farjam M.; Bahrami H.; Bahramali E.; Jamshidi J.; Askari A.; Zakeri H.; Homayounfar R.; Poustchi H.; Malekzadeh R. A cohort study protocol to analyze the predisposing factors to common chronic non-communicable diseases in rural areas: Fasa Cohort Study 2016 BMC Public Health
31 Madadi F.; Khaniani M.S.; Shandiz E.E.; Ayromlou H.; Najmi S.; Emamalizadeh B.; Taghavi S.; Jamshidi J.; Tafakhori A.; Shahidi G.-A.; Darvish H. Genetic Analysis of the ZNF512B, SLC41A1, and ALDH2 Polymorphisms in Parkinson's Disease in the Iranian Population 2016 Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers
32 Askari A.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Homayounfar R.; Shahi A.; Afsarian M.H.; Paknahad A.; Kennedy D.; Ataollahi M.R. Increased serum levels of IL-17A and IL-23 are associated with decreased vitamin D3 and increased pain in osteoarthritis 2016 PLoS ONE
33 Ebrahiminezhad A.; Taghizadeh S.; Berenjian A.; Rahi A.; Ghasemi Y. Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles with natural carbohydrate capping using Zataria multiflora 2016 Advanced Materials Letters
34 Southee R.; Haroon S.; Ebrahiminezad A.; Ghasemi Y.; Berenjian A. Novel functional fermented dairy product rich in menaquinone-7 2016 Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology
35 Shahmohammadibeni N.; Rahimi-Aliabadi S.; Jamshidi J.; Emamalizadeh B.; Shahmohammadibeni H.A.; Zare Bidoki A.; Akhavan-Niaki H.; Eftekhari H.; Abdollahi S.; Shekari Khaniani M.; Shahmohammadibeni M.; Fazeli A.; Motallebi M.; Taghavi S.; Ahmadifard A.; Shafiei Zarneh A.E.; Andarva M.; Dadkhah T.; Khademi E.; Alehabib E.; Rahimi M.; Tafakhori A.; Atakhorrami M.; Darvish H. The analysis of association between SNCA, HUSEYO and CSMD1 gene variants and Parkinson’s disease in Iranian population 2016 Neurological Sciences
36 Zarrabi Alhosseini M.; Jamshidi J.; Zare Bidoki A.; Ganji S.; Eslami Amirabadi M.R.; Emamalizadeh B.; Taghavi S.; Shokraeian P.; Mohajerani F.; Darvish H. SNAP-25 gene variations and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in Iranian population 2016 Neurological Research
37 Ghaemi A.; Fakheri H.; Rafiei A.; Hosseini V.; Homayounfar R.; Amiri Z.; Taleban F.A.; Hekmatdoost A. Interaction between C677T and A1298C MTHFR gene polymorphisms and weight loss diet in treatment of NAFLD 2016 Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
38 Aalipour E.; Jangholi E. Prognosis and predictive factors related to breast cancer 2016 Galen Medical Journal
39 Ghasemi Y.; Hajighahramani N.; Dabbagh F.; Ghoshoon M.B.; Yarahmadi E.; Mobasher M.A.; Zeri-Najafabady N.M. Cloning, expression, purification and expression condition optimization of a-enolase from Staphylococcus aureus in Escherichia coli 2016 Minerva Biotecnologica
40 Bahramali E.; Firouzabadi N.; Yavarian I.; Shayesteh M.R.H.; Erfani N.; Shoushtari A.A.; Asadpour R. Influence of ACE gene on differential response to sertraline versus fluoxetine in patients with major depression: a randomized controlled trial 2016 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
41 Madadizadeh F.; Ezati Asar M.; Bahrampour A. Quantile regression and its key role in promoting medical research 2016 Iranian Journal of Public Health
42 Bahramali E. Chronic pain and cardiovascular outcomes: Does inflammation play a role? 2016 Galen Medical Journal
43 Tehrani S.; Lotfi P.; Tehrani S.; Jangholi E.; Aryan H.; Aidun A. Healing effect of sesame ointment on second-degree burn wound in rats 2016 Galen Medical Journal
44 Bahramali E.; Rajabi M.; Jamshidi J.; Mousavi S.M.; Zarghami M.; Manafi A.; Firouzabadi N. Association of ACE gene D polymorphism with left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with diastolic heart failure: A case-control study 2016 BMJ Open
45 Ahmadifard A.; Jamshidi J.; Tafakhori A.; Mollazadeh R.; Falsafi Z.; Darvish H. Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy: A report of a large family with 11 affected individuals 2016 International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine
46 Zarei M.; Mobasher M.A.; Morowvat M.H.; Mousavi P.; Montazeri-Najafabady N.; Hajighahramani N.; Ghasemi Y. Effects of menthone and piperitone on growth, chlorophyll a and β-carotene production in Dunaliella salina 2016 Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science
47 Babai M.A.; Arasteh P.; Hadibarhaghtalab M.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Salehi A.; Askari A.; Homayounfar R. Defining a BMI cut-off point for the iranian population: The shiraz heart study 2016 PLoS ONE
48 Firouzabadi N.; Ghazanfari N.; Shoushtari A.A.; Erfani N.; Fathi F.; Bazrafkan M.; Bahramali E. Genetic variants of angiotensin-converting enzyme are linked to autism: A case-control study 2016 PLoS ONE
49 Karimi M.H.; Barzkar Z.; Babaee M.; Naghdi M. Evaluating effect of mesenchymal stem cells on expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in mouse DCs 2016 Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin
50 Gholami A.; Rasoul-Amini S.; Ebrahiminezhad A.; Abootalebi N.; Niroumand U.; Ebrahimi N.; Ghasemi Y. Magnetic properties and antimicrobial effect of amino and lipoamino acid coated iron oxide nanoparticles 2016 Minerva Biotecnologica
51 Safaralizadeh T.; Jamshidi J.; Esmaili Shandiz E.; Movafagh A.; Fazeli A.; Emamalizadeh B.; Manafi N.; Taghavi S.; Tafakhori A.; Darvish H. SIPA1L2, MIR4697, GCH1 and VPS13C loci and risk of Parkinson's diseases in Iranian population: A case-control study 2016 Journal of the Neurological Sciences
52 Ehrampoush E.; Homayounfar R.; Davoodi S.H.; Zand H.; Askari A.; Kouhpayeh S.A. Ability of dairy fat in inducing metabolic syndrome in rats 2016 SpringerPlus
53 Madadizadeh F.; Ezati Asar M.; Hosseini M. Bayesian statistical methods and their valuable applications in the pharmaceutical sciences 2016 Iranian Journal of Public Health
54 Safarpour Lima B.; Ghaedi H.; Daftarian N.; Ahmadieh H.; Jamshidi J.; Khorrami M.; Noroozi R.; Sohrabifar N.; Assarzadegan F.; Hesami O.; Taghavi S.; Ahmadifard A.; Atakhorrami M.; Rahimi-Aliabadi S.; Shahmohammadibeni N.; Alehabib E.; Andarva M.; Darvish H.; Emamalizadeh B. C.376G>A mutation in WFS1 gene causes Wolfram syndrome without deafness 2016 European Journal of Medical Genetics
55 Ebrahiminezhad A.; Bagheri M.; Taghizadeh S.-M.; Berenjian A.; Ghasemi Y. Biomimetic synthesis of silver nanoparticles using microalgal secretory carbohydrates as a novel anticancer and antimicrobial 2016 Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
56 Jeihooni A.; Hidarnia A.; Kaveh M.; Hajizadeh E.; Askari A. Application of the health belief model and social cognitive theory for osteoporosis preventive nutritional behaviors in a sample of Iranian women 2016 Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research
57 Karimi Z.; Mobasher M.A.; Khoubani S.; Pakrouh Z.; Ghoshoon M.B.; Montazeri-Najafabady N.; Ghasemi Y. Cloning and expression of Pseudomonas aeruginosa superoxide dismutase enzyme in Escherichia coli 2016 Minerva Biotecnologica
58 Nazeri M.; Abolhasani Foroughi A.; Heidari H.; Sajadianfard S.; Eghbali T.; Arasteh P. Hashimoto encephalopathy with an unusual presentation of status epilepticus seizures: A case report 2016 Iranian Journal of Public Health
59 Farjam M. Iranian traditional medicine: The need for evidences provided by modern medical research to prove usefulness 2016 Galen Medical Journal
60 Farjam M. Debate on animal experiments in traditional medicine: Do we have a better choice? 2016 Galen Medical Journal
61 Paknahad M.R.; Sharafi M.; Daneshian M.; Ataollahi M.R.; Paknahad A. Quality of life and mental health: A review 2016 Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
62 Askari A.; Gholami T.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Farjam M.; Kouhpayeh S.A.; Shahabfard Z. Hyaluronic acid compared with corticosteroid injections for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: A randomized control trail 2016 SpringerPlus
63 Firouzabadi S.G.; Vameghi R.; Kariminejad R.; Darvish H.; Banihashemi S.; Moghaddam M.F.; Jamali P.; Tehrani H.F.M.; Dehghani H.; Raeisoon M.R.; Narooie-Nejad M.; Jamshidi J.; Tafakhori A.; Sadabadi S.; Behjati F. Analysis of copy number variations in patients with autism using cytogenetic and MLPA techniques: Report of 16p13.1p13.3 and 10q26.3 duplications 2016 International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine
64 Jamshidi J.; Abdollahi S.; Ghaedi H.; Alehabib E.; Tafakhori A.; Alinaghi S.; Chapi M.; Johari A.H.; Darvish H. A novel mutation in SMOC1 and variable phenotypic expression in two patients with Waardenburg anophthalmia syndrome 2017 European Journal of Medical Genetics
65 Khiveh A.; Hashempur M.H.; Shakiba M.; Lotfi M.H.; Shakeri A.; Kazemeini S.; Mousavi Z.; Jabbari M.; Kamalinejad M.; Emtiazy M. Effects of rhubarb (Rheum ribes L.) syrup on dysenteric diarrhea in children: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial 2017 Journal of Integrative Medicine
66 Khaligh A.; Goudarzian M.; Moslem A.; Mehrtash A.; Jamshidi J.; Darvish H.; Emamalizadeh B. RAB7L1 promoter polymorphism and risk of Parkinson’s disease; a case-control study 2017 Neurological Research
67 Madadizadeh F.; Ghanbarnejad A.; Ghavami V.; Bandamiri M.Z.; Mohammadianpanah M. Applying additive hazards models for analyzing survival in patients with colorectal cancer in Fars Province, Southern Iran 2017 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
68 Niazi M.; Hashempur M.H.; Taghizadeh M.; Heydari M.; Shariat A. Efficacy of topical Rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) oil for migraine headache: A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled cross-over trial 2017 Complementary Therapies in Medicine
69 Zakeri H.; Rajabi M.; Badpa M.; Abdollahi M.; Salehi S.; Hosseinipour A. Midazolam vs. Meperidine plus Bupivacaine as spinal anaesthesia in woman undergoing caesarean surgery: Clinical trial study 2017 Biomedical Research (India)
70 Firouzabadi S.G.; Kariminejad R.; Vameghi R.; Darvish H.; Ghaedi H.; Banihashemi S.; Firouzkouhi Moghaddam M.; Jamali P.; Mofidi Tehrani H.F.; Dehghani H.; Narooie-Nejad M.; Jamshidi J.; Tafakhori A.; Sadabadi S.; Najmabadi H.; Behjati F. Copy Number Variants in Patients with Autism and Additional Clinical Features: Report of VIPR2 Duplication and a Novel Microduplication Syndrome 2017 Molecular Neurobiology
71 Ebrahiminezhad A.; Taghizadeh S.; Berenjian A.; Naeini F.H.; Ghasemi Y. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles capped with natural carbohydrates using Ephedra intermedia 2017 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Asia
72 Alehabib E.; Jamshidi J.; Ghaedi H.; Askarian F.; Mahmoudieh L.; Johari A.H.; Darvish H. Bioinformatic tools to determine the pathogenicity of a missense mutation in PKHD1 in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease 2017 Nephrology
73 Kianpour S.; Ebrahiminezhad A.; Mohkam M.; Tamaddon A.M.; Dehshahri A.; Heidari R.; Ghasemi Y. Physicochemical and biological characteristics of the nanostructured polysaccharide-iron hydrogel produced by microorganism Klebsiella oxytoca 2017 Journal of Basic Microbiology
74 Khanjani N.; Ahmadzadeh A.; Bakhtiari B.; Madadizadeh F. The role of season and climate in the incidence of congenital hypothyroidism in Kerman province, Southeastern Iran 2017 Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism
75 Hashempur M.H.; Khademi F.; Rahmanifard M.; Zarshenas M.M. An Evidence-Based Study on Medicinal Plants for Hemorrhoids in Medieval Persia 2017 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
76 Ehrampoush E.; Arasteh P.; Homayounfar R.; Cheraghpour M.; Alipour M.; Naghizadeh M.M.; hadibarhaghtalab M.; Davoodi S.H.; Askari A.; Razaz J.M. New anthropometric indices or old ones: Which is the better predictor of body fat? 2017 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews
77 Emamalizadeh B.; Jamshidi J.; Movafagh A.; Ohadi M.; khaniani M.S.; Kazeminasab S.; Biglarian A.; Taghavi S.; Motallebi M.; Fazeli A.; Ahmadifard A.; Shahidi G.-A.; Petramfar P.; Shahmohammadibeni N.; Dadkhah T.; Khademi E.; Tafakhori A.; Khaligh A.; Safaralizadeh T.; Kowsari A.; Mirabzadeh A.; Zarneh A.E.S.; Khorrami M.; Shokraeian P.; Banavandi M.J.S.; Lima B.S.; Andarva M.; Alehabib E.; Atakhorrami M.; Darvish H. RIT2 Polymorphisms: Is There a Differential Association? 2017 Molecular Neurobiology
78 Askari A.; Ehrampoush E.; Homayounfar R.; Arasteh P.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Yarahmadi M.; Tarbiat N.; Eghbali S.S. Relationship between metabolic syndrome and osteoarthritis: The Fasa Osteoarthritis Study 2017 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews
79 Rahimi-Aliabadi S.; Shahmohammadibeni N.; Jamshidi J.; Shandiz E.E.; Mirfakhraie R.; Ohadi M.; Nejad F.R.; Mansoori N.; Taheri M.; Gholipour F.; Moudi S.; Tayebi G.; Divsalar S.; Darvish H.; Movafagh A. Association of β-secretase functional polymorphism with risk of schizophrenia 2017 Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers
80 Daraei A.; Mansoori Y.; Zendebad Z.; Tavakkoly-Bazzaz J.; Madadizadeh F.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Arghavani A.; Mansoori B. Influences of IL-1b -3953 C>T and MMP-9-1562C >t Gene Variants on Myocardial Infarction Susceptibility in a Subset of the Iranian Population 2017 Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers
81 Khademi E.; Alehabib E.; Shandiz E.E.; Ahmadifard A.; Andarva M.; Jamshidi J.; Rahimi-Aliabadi S.; Pouriran R.; Nejad F.R.; Mansoori N.; Shahmohammadibeni N.; Taghavi S.; Shokraeian P.; Akhavan-Niaki H.; Paisán-Ruiz C.; Darvish H.; Ohadi M. Support for "disease-Only" Genotypes and Excess of Homozygosity at the CYTH4 Primate-Specific GTTT-Repeat in Schizophrenia 2017 Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers
82 Hosseini M.M.; Karimi A.; Behroozaghdam M.; Javidi M.A.; Ghiasvand S.; Bereimipour A.; Aryan H.; Nassiri F.; Jangholi E. Cytotoxic and Apoptogenic Effects of Cyanidin-3-Glucoside on the Glioblastoma Cell Line 2017 World Neurosurgery
83 Eghtesad S.; Mohammadi Z.; Shayanrad A.; Faramarzi E.; Joukar F.; Hamzeh B.; Farjam M.; Zare Sakhvidi M.J.; Miri-Monjar M.; Moosazadeh M.; Hakimi H.; Rahimi Kazerooni S.; Cheraghian B.; Ahmadi A.; Nejatizadeh A.; Mohebbi I.; Pourfarzi F.; Roozafzai F.; Motamed-Gorji N.; Montazeri S.A.; Masoudi S.; Amin-Esmaeili M.; Danaie N.; Mirhafez S.R.; Hashemi H.; Poustchi H.; Malekzadeh R. The PERSIAN Cohort: Providing the Evidence Needed for Healthcare Reform 2017 Archives of Iranian medicine
84 Dehghan A.; Nasirian M.; Haghdoost A.A.; Bahramali E.; Sharifi H. Validation of the verbal autopsy questionnaire for adult deaths in Iran 2017 Arctic Anthropology
85 Dinali R.; Ebrahiminezhad A.; Manley-Harris M.; Ghasemi Y.; Berenjian A. Iron oxide nanoparticles in modern microbiology and biotechnology 2017 Critical Reviews in Microbiology
86 Ranmadugala D.; Ebrahiminezhad A.; Manley-Harris M.; Ghasemi Y.; Berenjian A. The effect of iron oxide nanoparticles on Bacillus subtilis biofilm, growth and viability 2017 Process Biochemistry
87 Moravej A.; Geramizadeh B.; Azarpira N.; Zarnani A.-H.; Yaghobi R.; Kalani M.; Khosravi M.; Kouhpayeh A.; Karimi M.-H. Mesenchymal stem cells increase skin graft survival time and up-regulate PD-L1 expression in splenocytes of mice 2017 Immunology Letters
88 Roshanzamir F.; Safavi S.M. The putative effects of D-Aspartic acid on blood testosterone levels: A systematic review 2017 International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine
89 Moravej A.; Karimi M.-H.; Geramizadeh B.; Azarpira N.; Zarnani A.-H.; Yaghobi R.; Khosravi M.; Kalani M.; Gharesi-Fard B. Mesenchymal Stem Cells Upregulate the Expression of PD-L1 But Not VDR in Dendritic Cells 2017 Immunological Investigations
90 Jabbari M.; Daneshfard B.; Emtiazy M.; Khiveh A.; Hashempur M.H. Biological Effects and Clinical Applications of Dwarf Elder (Sambucus ebulus L): A Review 2017 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
91 Jamshidi J.; Ghanbari M.; Asnaashari A.; Jafari N.; Valizadeh G.A. Omentin Val109Asp polymorphism and risk of coronary artery disease 2017 Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals
92 Askari A.; Ehrampoush E.; Homayounfar R.; Bahramali E.; Farjam M. Serum insulin in pathogenesis and treatment of osteoarthritis 2017 Medical Hypotheses
93 Khodadadi H.; Azcona L.J.; Aghamollaii V.; Omrani M.D.; Garshasbi M.; Taghavi S.; Tafakhori A.; Shahidi G.A.; Jamshidi J.; Darvish H.; Paisán-Ruiz C. PTRHD1 (C2orf79) mutations lead to autosomal-recessive intellectual disability and parkinsonism 2017 Movement Disorders
94 Sabet Sarvestani R.; Najafi Kalyani M.; Alizadeh F.; Askari A.; Ronaghy H.; Bahramali E. Challenges of family physician program in urban areas: A qualitative research 2017 Archives of Iranian Medicine
95 Zakeri H.; Pouralborz Y.; Askari A.; Parkhah M.; Hosseinipour A. The adjunctive midazolam or magnesium sulfate to intrathecal bupivacaine analgesic effect in caesarean section: A randomized controlled trial 2017 Biomedical Research (India)
96 Mansoori Y.; Daraei A.; Zendebad Z.; Madadizadeh F.; Mansoori B.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Darbeheshti F. The SDF1 A/G Gene Variant: A Susceptibility Variant for Myocardial Infarction 2017 Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers
97 Eghtesad S.; Mohammadi Z.; Shayanrad A.; Faramarzi E.; Joukar F.; Hamzeh B.; Farjam M.; Sakhvidi M.J.Z.; Miri-Monjar M.; Moosazadeh M.; Hakimi H.; Kazerooni S.R.; Cheraghian B.; Ahmadi A.; Nejatizadeh A.; Mohebbi I.; Pourfarzi F.; Roozafzai F.; Motamed-Gorji N.; Montazeri S.A.; Masoudi S.; Amin-Esmaeili M.; Danaie N.; Mirhafez S.R.; Hashemi H.; Poustchi H.; Malekzadeh R. The PERSIAN cohort: Providing the evidence needed for healthcare reform 2017 Archives of Iranian Medicine
98 Rahimi M.; Akbari M.; Jamshidi J.; Tafakhori A.; Emamalizadeh B.; Darvish H. Genetic analysis of SNCA gene polymorphisms in Parkinson's disease in an Iranian population 2017 Basal Ganglia
99 Hashempur M.H.; Ghasemi M.S.; Daneshfard B.; Ghoreishi P.S.; Lari Z.N.; Homayouni K.; Zargaran A. Efficacy of topical chamomile oil for mild and moderate carpal tunnel syndrome: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial 2017 Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
100 Zibaeenezhad M.J.; Shahamat M.; Mosavat S.H.; Attar A.; Bahramali E. Effect of Amygdalus scoparia kernel oil consumption on lipid profile of the patients with dyslipidemia: A randomized, openlabel controlled clinical trial 2017 Oncotarget
101 Zangeneh F.Z.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Masoumi M. Polycystic ovary syndrome and circulating inflammatory markers 2017 International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine
102 Bahramali E.; Firouzabadi N.; Rajabi M.; Manafi A.; Zarghami M.; Mousavi S.M.; Jamshidi J. Association of renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system gene polymorphisms with left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: A case–control study 2017 Clinical and Experimental Hypertension
103 Daraei A.; Izadi P.; Khorasani G.; Nafissi N.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Younosi N.; Meysamie A.; Mansoori Y.; Bastami M.; Tavakkoly-Bazzaz J. Epigenetic Changes of the ESR1 Gene in Breast Tissue of Healthy Women: A Missing Link with Breast Cancer Risk Factors? 2017 Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers
104 Alehabib E.; Jamshidi J.; Ghaedi H.; Emamalizadeh B.; Andarva M.; Daftarian N.; Kanavi M.R.; Torbati P.M.; Espandar G.; Alinaghi S.; Johari A.H.; Saghally M.; Mohajerani F.; Darvish H. Novel mutations in TACSTD2 gene in families with gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy (GDLD) 2017 International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine
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158 Taghizadeh M.; Rashidi A.A.; Taherian A.A.; Vakili Z.; Mehran M. The Protective Effect of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Rosa canina (Dog Rose) Fruit on Liver Function and Structure in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes in Rats 2018 Journal of Dietary Supplements
159 Nourozi M.A.; Neghab M.; Bazzaz J.T.; Nejat S.; Mansoori Y.; Shahtaheri S.J. Association between polymorphism of GSTP1, GSTT1, GSTM1 and CYP2E1 genes and susceptibility to benzene-induced hematotoxicity 2018 Archives of Toxicology
160 Akrami M.; Arasteh P.; Eghbali T.; Shahraki H.R.; Tahmasebi S.; Zangouri V.; Rezaianzadeh A.; Talei A. Introducing novel and comprehensive models for predicting recurrence in breast cancer using the group LASSO approach: Are estimates of early and late recurrence different? 2018 World Journal of Surgical Oncology
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171 Shokraeian P.; Daneshmandpour Y.; Jamshidi J.; Emamalizadeh B.; Darvish H. Genetic analysis of rs11038167, rs11038172 and rs835784 polymorphisms of the TSPAN18 gene in Iranian schizophrenia patients 2019 Meta Gene
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174 Bastami M.; Choupani J.; Saadatian Z.; Vahed S.Z.; Ouladsahebmadarek E.; Mansoori Y.; Daraei A.; Kafil H.S.; Yousefi B.; Mahdipour M.; Masotti A.; Nariman-Saleh-fam Z. Evidences from a systematic review and meta-analysis unveil the role of mirna polymorphisms in the predisposition to female neoplasms 2019 International Journal of Molecular Sciences
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176 Ehrampoush E.; Ghaemi A.; Osati S.; Maleki M.; Shahraki H.R.; Honarvar B.; Bahmanyar M.; Homayounfar R. The association between serum vitamin d level and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 2019 Hepatitis Monthly
177 Ghanbariasad A.; Taghizadeh S.-M.; Show P.L.; Nomanbhay S.; Berenjian A.; Ghasemi Y.; Ebrahiminezhad A. Controlled synthesis of iron oxyhydroxide (FeOOH) nanoparticles using secretory compounds from Chlorella vulgaris microalgae 2019 Bioengineered
178 Nariman-saleh-fam Z.; Vahed S.Z.; Aghaee-Bakhtiari S.H.; Daraei A.; Saadatian Z.; Kafil H.S.; Yousefi B.; Eyvazi S.; Khaheshi I.; Parsa S.A.; Moravej A.; Mousavi N.; Bastami M.; Mansoori Y. Expression pattern of miR-21, miR-25 and PTEN in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with significant or insignificant coronary stenosis 2019 Gene
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181 Askari A.; Ravansalar S.A.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Mosavat S.H.; Khodadoost M.; Jazani A.M.; Hashempur M.H. The efficacy of topical sesame oil in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A randomized double-blinded active-controlled non-inferiority clinical trial 2019 Complementary Therapies in Medicine
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184 Saadatian Z.; Nariman-Saleh-Fam Z.; Bastami M.; Mansoori Y.; Khaheshi I.; Parsa S.A.; Daraei A.; Vahed S.Z.; Yousefi B.; Kafil H.S.; Eyvazi S.; Ghaderian S.M.H.; Omrani M.D. Dysregulated expression of STAT1, miR-150, and miR-223 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of coronary artery disease patients with significant or insignificant stenosis 2019 Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
185 Daraei A.; Izadi P.; Khorasani G.; Nafissi N.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Younosi N.; Meysamie A.; Mansoori Y.; Nariman-Saleh-Fam Z.; Bastami M.; Saadatian Z.; Zendehbad Z.; Tavakkoly-Bazzaz J. Methylation of progesterone receptor isoform A promoter in normal breast tissue: An epigenetic link between early age at menarche and risk of breast cancer? 2019 Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
186 Mansoori Y.; Zendehbad Z.; Askari A.; Kouhpayeh A.; Tavakkoly-Bazzaz J.; Nariman-Saleh-Fam Z.; Bastami M.; Saadatian Z.; Mansoori B.; Yousefvand A.; Mansoori H.; Daraei A. Breast cancer-linked lncRNA u-Eleanor is upregulated in breast of healthy women with lack or short duration of breastfeeding 2019 Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
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189 Moshirabadi A.; Razi M.; Arasteh P.; Sarzaeem M.M.; Ghaffari S.; Aminiafshar S.; Hosseinian Khosroshahy K.; Sheikholeslami F.M. Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay Using the Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Technique in the Detection of Prosthetic Joint Infections: A Multi-Centered Study 2019 Journal of Arthroplasty
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197 EMADEDIN M.; KARIMI S.; KARIMI A.; LABIBZADEH N.; NIKNEJADI M.; BAHARVAND H.; AGHDAMI N. Autologous bone marrow–derived CD133 cells with core decompression as a novel treatment method for femoral head osteonecrosis: a pilot study 2019 Cytotherapy
198 Marzban A.; Karimi-Nazari E.; Rahmanian V.; Ayasi M.; Ghaneian M.T.; Barzegaran M. Food Safety Knowledge, Attitude, and Hygiene Practices among Veterinary Medicine Students in Shiraz University, Iran 2019 Journal of Nutrition and Food Security
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200 Taghizadeh S.-M.; Berenjian A.; Taghizadeh S.; Ghasemi Y.; Taherpour A.; Sarmah A.K.; Ebrahiminezhad A. One-put green synthesis of multifunctional silver iron core-shell nanostructure with antimicrobial and catalytic properties 2019 Industrial Crops and Products
201 Marzban A.; Rahmanian V.; Seifi M.; Jamalabadi S.Z.; Ayasi M.; Delavari S.; Barzegaran M. Investigating the Effective Ecological Factors on Concentration in the Classroom from the Viewpoints of Students of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd 2019 Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development
202 Zibaeenezhad M.J.; Ghaem H.; Parsa N.; Sayadi M.; Askarian M.; Kasaei M.; Sohrabi Z.; Dehghani-Firouzabadi A.; Nariman A.; Radmanesh S.; Mani A.; Bahramali E.; Nikoo M.H.; Moaref A.R.; Razeghian-Jahromi I. Analysing cardiovascular risk factors and related outcomes in a middle-aged to older adults population in Iran: A cohort protocol of the Shiraz Heart Study (SHS) 2019 BMJ Open
203 Kheshtzar R.; Berenjian A.; Ganji N.; Taghizadeh S.-M.; Maleki M.; Taghizadeh S.; Ghasemi Y.; Ebrahiminezhad A. Response surface methodology and reaction optimization to product zero-valent iron nanoparticles for organic pollutant remediation 2019 Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology
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209 Tahmasebi S.; Tajali M.; Akrami M.; Arasteh P.; Zangouri V.; Nobandegani A.S.; Hosseini S.M.; Safari A.; Talei A. Chronological changes and trend of breast cancer clinics and pathology among Iranian women during 22 years from the largest breast cancer registry in Iran 2019 World Journal of Surgical Oncology
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221 Zarenezhad E.; Abdollahi A.; Esmaeili F.; Satvati S.; Osanloo M. A Fast-Degradable Nano-dressing with Potent Antibacterial Effect 2020 BioNanoScience
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229 Mohandesnezhad S.; Pilehvar-Soltanahmadi Y.; Alizadeh E.; Goodarzi A.; Davaran S.; Khatamian M.; Zarghami N.; Samiei M.; Aghazadeh M.; Akbarzadeh A. In vitro evaluation of Zeolite-nHA blended PCL/PLA nanofibers for dental tissue engineering 2020 Materials Chemistry and Physics
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241 Mehrpour Layeghi S.; Arabpour M.; Esmaeili R.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Tavakkoly Bazzaz J.; Shakoori A. Evaluation of the potential role of long non-coding RNA LINC00961 in luminal breast cancer: A case-control and systems biology study 2020 Cancer Cell International
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246 Askari A.; Arasteh P.; Homayounfar R.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Ehrampoush E.; Mousavi S.M.; Alipoor R. The role of adipose tissue secretion in the creation and pain level in osteoarthritis 2020 Endocrine Regulations
247 Sandoughi M.; Saravani M.; Rokni M.; Nora M.; Mehrabani M.; Dehghan A. Association between COX-2 and 15-PGDH polymorphisms and SLE susceptibility 2020 International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases
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249 Hasheminasab F.S.; Hashemi S.M.; Dehghan A.; Sharififar F.; Setayesh M.; Sasanpour P.; Tasbandi M.; Raeiszadeh M. Effects of a Plantago ovata-based herbal compound in prevention and treatment of oral mucositis in patients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy: A double-blind, randomized, controlled crossover trial 2020 Journal of Integrative Medicine
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252 Najafi F.; Soltani S.; Karami Matin B.; Kazemi Karyani A.; Rezaei S.; Soofi M.; Salimi Y.; Moradinazar M.; Hajizadeh M.; Barzegar L.; Pasdar Y.; Hamzeh B.; Haghdoost A.A.; Malekzadeh R.; Poustchi H.; Eghtesad S.; Nejatizadeh A.; Moosazadeh M.; Zare Sakhvidi M.J.; Joukar F.; Hashemi-Shahri S.M.; Vakilian A.; Niknam R.; Faramarzi E.; Akhavan Akbari G.; Ghorat F.; Khaledifar A.; Vahabzadeh D.; Homayounfar R.; Safarpour A.R.; Hosseini S.V.; Rezvani R.; Hosseini S.A. Socioeconomic - Related inequalities in overweight and obesity: Findings from the PERSIAN cohort study 2020 BMC Public Health
253 Nayebi N.; Esteghamati A.; Meysamie A.; Khalili N.; Kamalinejad M.; Emtiazy M.; Hashempur M.H. The effects of a Melissa officinalis L. Based product on metabolic parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial 2020 Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine
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255 Jamalnia S.; Javanmardifard S.; Akbari H.; Sadeghi E.; Bijani M. Association between cognitive impairment and blood pressure among patients with type ii diabetes mellitus in Southern Iran 2020 Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity
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258 Soofi M.; Pasdar Y.; Karami Matin B.; Hamzeh B.; Rezaei S.; Kazemi Karyani A.; Moradi Nazar M.; Soltani S.; Hajizadeh M.; Salimi Y.; Zangeneh A.; Poustchi H.; Sharafkhah M.; Haghdoust A.A.; Shirzad Ahoodashti M.; Mohammadkarimi V.; Aghazadeh-Attari J.; Mansour-Ghanaei F.; Yazdanbod A.; Eftekhar E.; Rahimi Z.; Bahramali E.; Moslem A.; Jamalizadeh A.; Ardakani F.E.; Zanganeh M.; Ahmadi A.; Ostadrahimi A.; Tohidinezhad F.; Rahimi Kazerooni S.; Najafi F. Socioeconomic-related inequalities in oral hygiene behaviors: A cross-sectional analysis of the PERSIAN cohort study 2020 BMC Oral Health
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270 Ghanizadeh Gerayeli F.; Hosseini F.; Bagheri Z.; Savardashtaki A.; Shabaninejad Z.; Amani A.M.; Najafipour S. Colorimetric Sensor Based on β -Cyclodextrin-Functionalized Silver Nanoparticles for Zidovudine Sensitive Determination 2020 International Journal of Analytical Chemistry
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275 Bijani M.; Najaf H.; Khaleghi A.A.; Ghasem A.; Beygi N.; Heidarikochi G.A. Evaluation of acute myocardial infarction management guidelines' indicators (Stent save a life, code 247) in patients referred to cardiology department of valiasr hospital in fasa, southwest of Iran 2019; [Evaluation de los indicadores de las pautas para el manejo del infarto agudo de miocardio (Stent save a life, codigo 247) en pacientes remitidos al departamento de cardiologia del hospital valiasr en fasa, suroeste de Iran 2019] 2020 Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertension
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279 Darbeheshti F.; Mahdiannasser M.; Noroozi Z.; Firoozi Z.; Mansoori B.; Daraei A.; Bastami M.; Nariman-Saleh-Fam Z.; Valipour E.; Mansoori Y. Circular RNA-associated ceRNA network involved in HIF-1 signalling in triple-negative breast cancer: circ_0047303 as a potential key regulator 2021 Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
280 Mirahmadizadeh A.; Farjam M.; Sharafi M.; Fatemian H.; Kazemi M.; Geraylow K.R.; Dehghan A.; Amiri Z.; Afrashteh S. The relationship between demographic features, anthropometric parameters, sleep duration, and physical activity with ECG parameters in Fasa Persian cohort study 2021 BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
281 Nourmohammadi M.; Rouhani S.; Azizi S.; Maaza M.; Msagati T.A.M.; Rostamnia S.; Hatami M.; Khaksar S.; Zarenezhad E.; Jang H.W.; Shokouhimehr M. Magnetic nanocomposite of crosslinked chitosan with 4,6-diacetylresorcinol for gold immobilization (Fe3O4@CS/DAR-Au) as a catalyst for an efficient one-pot synthesis of propargylamine 2021 Materials Today Communications
282 Hasheminasab F.S.; Pourpasha M.; Dehghan A.; Galousalari M.Y.; Hashemi S.M.; Setayesh M. Validity and reliability of the Persian version of the oropharyngeal Mucositis quality of life scale 2021 BMC Oral Health
283 Mohammadi F.; Jahromi M.S.; Bijani M.; Karimi S.; Dehghan A. Investigating the effect of multimedia education in combination with teach-back method on quality of life and cardiac anxiety in patients with heart failure: a randomized clinical trial 2021 BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
284 Bijani M.; Karimi S.; Khaleghi A.; Gholampoor Y.; Fereidouni Z. Exploring senior managers’ perceptions of the COVID-19 Crisis in Iran: a qualitative content analysis study 2021 BMC Health Services Research
285 Mehrpour Layeghi S.; Arabpour M.; Shakoori A.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Mansoori Y.; Tavakkoly Bazzaz J.; Esmaeili R. Expression profiles and functional prediction of long non-coding RNAs LINC01133, ZEB1-AS1 and ABHD11-AS1 in the luminal subtype of breast cancer 2021 Journal of Translational Medicine
286 Rezaianzadeh A.; Morasae E.K.; Khalili D.; Seif M.; Bahramali E.; Azizi F.; Bagheri P. Predicting the natural history of metabolic syndrome with a Markov-system dynamic model: a novel approach 2021 BMC Medical Research Methodology
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288 Valizadeh A.; Khaleghi A.A.; Roozitalab G.; Osanloo M. High anticancer efficacy of solid lipid nanoparticles containing Zataria multiflora essential oil against breast cancer and melanoma cell lines 2021 BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology
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290 Soltani Hekmat A.; Farjam M.; Javanmardi K.; Behrouz S.; Zarenezhad E.; Soltani Rad M.N. Design, Synthesis and In Vivo Cardiovascular Evaluation of Some Novel Aryloxy Propanol Amino Acid Derivatives 2021 ChemistrySelect
291 Kheirmandparizi M.; Keshavarz P.; Nowrouzi-Sohrabi P.; Hosseini-Bensenjan M.; Rezaei S.; Kashani S.M.A.; Zeidi N.; Tabrizi R.; Alkamel A. Effects of garlic extract on lipid profile in patients with coronary artery disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials 2021 International Journal of Clinical Practice
292 Qasemi H.; Fereidouni Z.; Karimi J.; Abdollahi A.; Zarenezhad E.; Rasti F.; Osanloo M. Promising antibacterial effect of impregnated nanofiber mats with a green nanogel against clinical and standard strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus 2021 Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology
293 Shahabi S.; Skempes D.; Behzadifar M.; Tabrizi R.; Nazari B.; Ghanbari M.K.; Heydari S.T.; Zarei L.; Lankarani K.B. Recommendations to improve insurance coverage for physiotherapy services in Iran: a multi criteria decision-making approach 2021 Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation
294 Fooladi S.; Akbari H.; Abolhassani M.; Sadeghi E.; Fallah H. Can Estradiol and Ghrelin Play a Protective Role in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Incidence in Postmenopausal Women? 2021 Archives of Medical Research
295 Rezaei S.; Tabrizi R.; Nowrouzi-Sohrabi P.; Jalali M.; Atkin S.L.; Al-Rasadi K.; Jamialahmadi T.; Sahebkar A. GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Effects on Lipid and Liver Profiles in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 2021 Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
296 Khalili D.; Bagheri P.; Seif M.; Rezaianzadeh A.; Morasae E.K.; Bahramali E.; Azizi F. The dynamics of metabolic syndrome development from its isolated components among Iranian adults: findings from 17 years of the Tehran lipid and glucose study (TLGS) 2021 Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders
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298 Heidari Z.; Salimi S.; Rokni M.; Rezaei M.; Khalafi N.; Shahroudi M.J.; Dehghan A.; Saravani M. Association of IL-1 β, NLRP3, and COX-2 Gene Polymorphisms with Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Risk and Clinical Features in the Iranian Population 2021 BioMed Research International
299 Rezaei M.; Mokhtari M.J.; Bayat M.; Safari A.; Dianatpuor M.; Tabrizi R.; Asadabadi T.; Borhani-Haghighi A. Long non-coding RNA H19 expression and functional polymorphism rs217727 are linked to increased ischemic stroke risk 2021 BMC Neurology
300 Rafiee S.; Mohammadi H.; Ghavami A.; Sadeghi E.; Safari Z.; Askari G. Efficacy of resveratrol supplementation in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials 2021 Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
301 Haddadi G.; Alimoradi H.; Fardid R.; Zare T.; Jorat M.V.; Tavasoli A. Investigation of Erythema, Radiation Dose, and Radiation-Induced Apoptosis in the Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Patients Treated with Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation 2021 Iranian Journal of Medical Physics
302 Valizadeh A.; Khaleghi A.A.; Alipanah H.; Zarenezhad E.; Osanloo M. Anticarcinogenic Effect of Chitosan Nanoparticles Containing Syzygium aromaticum Essential Oil or Eugenol Toward Breast and Skin Cancer Cell Lines 2021 BioNanoScience
303 Abdollahi A.; Mirzaei E.; Amoozegar F.; Moemenbellah-Fard M.D.; Zarenezhad E.; Osanloo M. High Antibacterial Effect of Impregnated Nanofiber Mats with a Green Nanogel Against Major Human Pathogens 2021 BioNanoScience
304 Zendehboudi T.; Afshar A.R.; Khoradmehr A.; Azari H.; Farjam M.; Tamadon A. Marine Biobank: From Protection of Genetic Resources to Biomedical Entrepreneurship 2021 Iranian South Medical Journal
305 Saadatian Z.; Nariman-Saleh-Fam Z.; Khaheshi I.; Mansoori Y.; Daraei A.; Ghaderian S.M.H.; Omrani M.D. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Expression Levels of miR-196a and miR-100 in Coronary Artery Disease Patients 2021 Immunological Investigations
306 Ghanbariasad A.; Azadi S.; Agholi M.; Osanloo M. The nanoemulsion-based nanogel of Artemisia dracunculus essential oil with proper activity against Leishmania tropica and Leishmania major 2021 Nanomedicine Research Journal
307 Samimi N.; Farjam M.; Klionsky D.J.; Rezaei N. The role of autophagy in the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in different cell types 2021 Autophagy
308 Ghanbariasad A.; Amoozegar F.; Rahmani M.; Zarenezhad E.; Osanloo M. Impregnated nanofibrous mat with nanogel of citrus sinensis essential oil as a new type of dressing in cutaneous leishmaniasis 2021 Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry
309 Askari H.; Sanadgol N.; Azarnezhad A.; Tajbakhsh A.; Rafiei H.; Safarpour A.R.; Gheibihayat S.M.; Raeis-Abdollahi E.; Savardashtaki A.; Ghanbariasad A.; Omidifar N. Kidney diseases and COVID-19 infection: causes and effect, supportive therapeutics and nutritional perspectives 2021 Heliyon
310 Fereydouni N.; Movaffagh J.; Amiri N.; Darroudi S.; Gholoobi A.; Goodarzi A.; Hashemzadeh A.; Darroudi M. Synthesis of nano-fibers containing nano-curcumin in zein corn protein and its physicochemical and biological characteristics 2021 Scientific Reports
311 Karimi A.; Elmi M.; Shiri Z.; Baharvand H. Therapeutic potential of pluripotent stem cell-derived dopaminergic progenitors in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review protocol 2021 Systematic Reviews
312 Nowrouzi-Sohrabi P.; Soroush N.; Tabrizi R.; Shabani-Borujeni M.; Rezaei S.; Jafari F.; Hosseini-Bensenjan M.; Stricker B.H.; van Hoek M.; Ahmadizar F. Effect of Liraglutide on Cardiometabolic Risk Profile in People with Coronary Artery Disease with or without Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials 2021 Frontiers in Pharmacology
313 Faghihi A.; Najafi S.S.; Hashempur M.H.; Kalyani M.N. The effect of abdominal massage with extra-virgin olive oil on constipation among elderly individuals: A randomized controlled clinical trial 2021 International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery
314 Seyed Hashemi M.; Namiranian N.; Tavahen H.; Dehghanpour A.; Rad M.H.; Jam-Ashkezari S.; Emtiazy M.; Hashempur M.H. Efficacy of Pomegranate Seed Powder on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Prospective Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial 2021 Complementary Medicine Research
315 Akbari M.; Lankarani K.B.; Tabrizi R.; Heydari S.T.; Vali M.; Motevalian S.A.; Sullman M.J.M. The effectiveness of mass media campaigns in increasing the use of seat belts: A systematic review 2021 Traffic Injury Prevention
316 Zarenezhad E.; Behrouz S.; Farjam M.; Rad M.N.S. A Mini Review on Discovery and Synthesis of Remdesivir as an Effective and Promising Drug against COVID-19 2021 Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry
317 Karamizade S.; Bijani M.; Dehghan A.; Fereidouni Z. A comparison in terms of resilience and anxiety between nurses working in COVID-19 wards and nurses working in other wards: a descriptive cross-sectional study in southern Iran 2021 Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia
318 Hassankhani A.; Gholipour B.; Rostamnia S.; Zarenezhad E.; Nouruzi N.; Kavetskyy T.; Khalilov R.; Shokouhimehr M. Sustainable design and novel synthesis of highly recyclable magnetic carbon containing aromatic sulfonic acid: Fe3O4@C/Ph—SO3H as green solid acid promoted regioselective synthesis of tetrazoloquinazolines 2021 Applied Organometallic Chemistry
319 Askari A.; Ariya M.; Davoodi S.H.; Shahraki H.R.; Ehrampoosh E.; Homayounfar R. Vitamin K and D Status in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: An Analytical Crosssectional Study 2021 Mediterranean Journal of Rheumatology
320 Abedinpour N.; Ghanbariasad A.; Taghinezhad A.; Osanloo M. Preparation of Nanoemulsions of Mentha piperita Essential Oil and Investigation of Their Cytotoxic Effect on Human Breast Cancer Lines 2021 BioNanoScience
321 Bastami M.; Mahmoodzadeh H.; Saadatian Z.; Daraei A.; Zununi Vahed S.; Mansoori Y.; Nariman-Saleh-Fam Z. Perturbation of miR-146b and relevant inflammatory elements in esophageal carcinoma patients supports an immune downregulatory mechanism 2021 Pathology Research and Practice
322 Motamedi A.; Ekramzadeh M.; Bahramali E.; Farjam M.; Homayounfar R. Diet quality in relation to the risk of hypertension among Iranian adults: cross-sectional analysis of Fasa PERSIAN cohort study 2021 Nutrition Journal
323 Fereidouni Z.; Kamyab A.H.; Dehghan A.; Khiyali Z.; Ziapour A.; Mehedi N.; Toghroli R. A comparative study on the quality of life and resilience of mothers with disabled and neurotypically developing children in Iran 2021 Heliyon
324 Mohammadi F.; Farjam M.; Gholampour Y.; Sohrabpour M.; Oshvandi K.; Bijani M. Caregivers’ perception of the caring challenges in coronavirus crisis (COVID-19): a qualitative study 2021 BMC Nursing
325 Piran M.; Sepahi N.; Moattari A.; Rahimi A.; Ghanbariasad A. Systems Biomedicine of Primary and Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Reveals Potential Therapeutic Targets 2021 Frontiers in Oncology
326 Siervo M.; Rubele S.; Shannon O.M.; Prado C.M.; Donini L.M.; Zamboni M.; Homayounfar R.; Farjam M.; Faghih S.; Mazidi M. Prevalence of sarcopenic obesity and association with metabolic syndrome in an adult Iranian cohort: The Fasa PERSIAN cohort study 2021 Clinical Obesity
327 Daneshvar S.; Aivazi A.A.; Jahromi N.; Ghazanfari Z. Efficacy of educational intervention on preventive behavior against head lice infestation in girl school students 2021 Journal of Education and Community Health
328 Fooladi H.; Ghanbariasad A.; Sepahi N.; Taghi Nezhad A.; Tah Masebi S.; Amiri A.; Mirzaei H.; Sahebnazar B. Multiple biomarker panel for the detection of circulating tumor cells in peripheral blood of breast cancer patients for early detection using the real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction 2021 Minerva Biotechnology and Biomolecular Research
329 Yazdanpanah M.H.; Bahramali E.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Farjam M.; Mobasheri M.; Dadvand S. Different body parts’ fat mass and corrected QT interval on the electrocardiogram: The Fasa PERSIAN Cohort Study 2021 BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
330 Zarenezhad E.; Farjam M.; Iraji A. Synthesis and biological activity of pyrimidines-containing hybrids: Focusing on pharmacological application 2021 Journal of Molecular Structure
331 Zarenezhad E.; Esmaielzadeh S.; Behrouz S.; Emami L. Copper Schiff base complex as a new immobilized heterogeneous catalyst: experimental, theoretical, biological and docking study 2021 Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society
332 Meysami M.; Hashempur M.H.; Kamalinejad M.; Emtiazy M. Efficacy of short term topical malva sylvestris l. Cream in pediatric patients with atopic dermatitis: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial 2021 Endocrine, Metabolic and Immune Disorders - Drug Targets
333 Vakili S.; Samare-Najaf M.; Dehghanian A.; Tajbakhsh A.; Askari H.; Tabrizi R.; Iravani Saadi M.; Movahedpour A.; Alizadeh M.; Samareh A.; Taghizadeh S.; Noroozi S. Gold Nanobiosensor Based on the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance is Able to Diagnose Human Brucellosis, Introducing a Rapid and Affordable Method 2021 Nanoscale Research Letters
334 Zarenezhad E.; Agholi M.; Ghanbariasad A.; Ranjbar A.; Osanloo M. A nanoemulsion-based nanogel of Citrus limon essential oil with leishmanicidal activity against Leishmania tropica and Leishmania major 2021 Journal of Parasitic Diseases
335 Arabpour M.; Layeghi S.M.; Bazzaz J.T.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Majidzadeh-A K.; Shakoori A. The potential roles of lncRNAs DUXAP8, LINC00963, and FOXD2-AS1 in luminal breast cancer based on expression analysis and bioinformatic approaches 2021 Human Cell
336 Moemenbellah-Fard M.D.; Shahriari-Namadi M.; Kelidari H.R.; Nejad Z.B.; Ghasemi H.; Osanloo M. Chemical composition and repellent activity of nine medicinal essential oils against Anopheles stephensi, the main malaria vector 2021 International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
337 Samieefar N.; Yari Boroujeni R.; Jamee M.; Lotfi M.; Golabchi M.R.; Afshar A.; Miri H.; Khazeei Tabari M.A.; Darzi P.; Abdullatif Khafaie M.; Amirheidari B.; Tamadon A.; Rambod Rad N.; Samimi N.; Farjam M.; Shiravi F.; Farshidi N.; Hedayati Ch M.; Doostkamel D.; Alikhani R.; Razmkhah M.; Abdollahifard S.; Nasiri Kalmarzi R.; Kelishadi R.; Khazaei H.; Aghamohammadi A.; Jafari Mousavi F.S.; Shamsizadeh M.; Khojasteh A.; Rezaei N. Country quarantine during COVID-19: Critical or not? 2021 Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
338 Zahmatkeshan M.; Zakerabasali S.; Farjam M.; Gholampour Y.; Seraji M.; Yazdani A. The use of mobile health interventions for gestational diabetes mellitus: a descriptive literature review 2021 Journal of Medicine and Life
339 Mirahmadizadeh A.; Pourmontaseri Z.; Afrashteh S.; Hosseinzadeh M.; Karimi J.; Sharafi M. Sensitivity and specificity of chest computed tomography scan baseon rt-pcr in covid-19 diagnosis 2021 Polish Journal of Radiology
340 Kazemi M.; Bazyar M.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Dehghan A.; Rahimabadi M.S.; Chijan M.R.; Bijani M.; Zahmatkeshan M.; Ghaemi A.; Samimi N.; Homayounfar R.; Farjam M. Lipid profile dysregulation in opium users based on Fasa PERSIAN cohort study results 2021 Scientific Reports
341 Khamseh M.E.; Sepanlou S.G.; Hashemi-Madani N.; Joukar F.; Mehrparvar A.H.; Faramarzi E.; Okati-Aliabad H.; Rahimi Z.; Rezaianzadeh A.; Homayounfar R.; Moradpour F.; Valizadeh N.; Kheirandish M.; Zaboli E.; Moslem A.; Ahmadi A.; Hamzeh B.; Harooni J.; Pourfarzi F.; Abolghasemi M.R.; Safarpour A.R.; Aminisani N.; Mohammadi Z.; Eghtesad S.; Poustchi H.; Malekzadeh R. Nationwide Prevalence of Diabetes and Prediabetes and Associated Risk Factors Among Iranian Adults: Analysis of Data from PERSIAN Cohort Study 2021 Diabetes Therapy
342 Mousavi N.; Tafvizi F.; Mansoori Y. Genetic polymorphisms of base excision repair gene XRCC1 and susceptibility to benzene among employees of chemical industries 2021 Gene Reports
343 Gholamalizadeh M.; Tabrizi R.; Bourbour F.; Rezaei S.; Pourtaheri A.; Badeli M.; Jarrahi S.A.M.; Akbari M.E.; Kalantari N.; Doaei S. Are the FTO Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Colorectal Cancer? A Meta-analysis 2021 Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer
344 Akbari M.; Lankarani K.B.; Tabrizi R.; Vali M.; Heydari S.T.; Motevalian S.A.; Sullman M.J.M. The effect of motorcycle safety campaign on helmet use: A systematic review and meta-analysis 2021 IATSS Research
345 Osanloo M.; Ghanbariasad A.; Taghinezhad A. Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities of Anethum graveolens L., Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck and Zingiber officinale Roscoe Essential Oils 2021 Traditional and Integrative Medicine
346 Yazdani A.; Sharifian R.; Ravangard R.; Zahmatkeshan M. COVID-19 and information communication technology: a conceptual model 2021 Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research
347 Sanei-Dehkordi A.; Moemenbellah-Fard M.D.; Sereshti H.; Shahriari-Namadi M.; Zarenezhad E.; Osanloo M. Chitosan nanoparticles containing Elettaria cardamomum and Cinnamomum zeylanicum essential oils; repellent and larvicidal effects against a malaria mosquito vector, and cytotoxic effects on a human skin normal cell line 2021 Chemical Papers
348 Shahmoradi L.; Safdari R.; Ahmadi H.; Zahmatkeshan M. Clinical decision support systems-based interventions to improve medication outcomes: A systematic literature review on features and effects 2021 Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran
349 Alipanah H.; Farjam M.; Zarenezhad E.; Roozitalab G.; Osanloo M. Chitosan nanoparticles containing limonene and limonene-rich essential oils: potential phytotherapy agents for the treatment of melanoma and breast cancers 2021 BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies
350 Shakeri-Zadeh A.; Rezaeyan A.; Sarikhani A.; Ghaffari H.; Samadian H.; Khademi S.; Ghaznavi H.; Bulte J.W.M. Folate receptor-targeted nanoprobes for molecular imaging of cancer: Friend or foe? 2021 Nano Today
351 Mirzay Razzaz J.; Moameri H.; Akbarzadeh Z.; Ariya M.; Hosseini S.A.; Ghaemi A.; Osati S.; Ehrampoush E.; Homayounfar R. Investigating the relationship between insulin resistance and adipose tissue in a randomized Tehrani population 2021 Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation
352 Dehghan A.; Heidari Z.; Karimi J.; Jafarnezhad A.; Atef S.; Sharifi H.; Farjam M. Validity and reliability of Persian version of quality of life questionnaire in people living with HIV/AIDS (WHOQOL-HIV-BREF) 2021 HIV and AIDS Review
353 Sharafi M.; Bahramali E.; Farjam M.; Rezaeian S.; Afrashteh S.; Amiri Z. Socioeconomic inequality in noncommunicable diseases: Results from a baseline Persian cohort study 2021 Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran
354 Hessami K.; Tabrizi R.; Homayoon N.; Hashemi A.; Heydari S.T.; Pourhoseini S.A. Gestational diabetes mellitus and inflammatory biomarkers of neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio: a systematic review and meta-analysis 2021 Biomarkers
355 Osanloo M.; Jamali N.; Nematollahi A. Improving the oxidative stability of virgin olive oil using microformulated vitamin-C 2021 Food Science and Nutrition
356 Agholi M.; Goodarzi A.; Taghinezhad A. The present status of Sarcocystis spp. and sarcocystosis in Iran: a literature review 2021 Annals of parasitology
357 Yazdanpanah M.H.; Farjam M.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Jedi F.; Mohebi K.; Homayounfar R. Sleep duration and anthropometric indices in an Iranian population: the Fasa PERSIAN cohort study 2021 Scientific Reports
358 Daraei A.; Izadi P.; Khorasani G.; Nafissi N.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Meysamie A.; Mansoori Y.; Nariman-Saleh-Fam Z.; Bastami M.; Saadatian Z.; Roshan S.J.; Bayani N.; Tavakkoly-Bazzaz J. A methylation signature at the CpG island promoter of estrogen receptor beta (ER-β) in breasts of women may be an early footmark of lack of breastfeeding and nulliparity 2021 Pathology Research and Practice
359 Ghanbariasad A.; Valizadeh A.; Ghadimi S.N.; Fereidouni Z.; Osanloo M. Nanoformulating Cinnamomum zeylanicum essential oil with an extreme effect on Leishmania tropica and Leishmania major 2021 Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology
360 Ehrampoush E.; Mirzay Razzaz J.; arjmand H.; Ghaemi A.; Raeisi Shahraki H.; Ebrahim Babaei A.; Osati S.; Homayounfar R. The association of vitamin D levels and insulin resistance 2021 Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
361 Taheri A.; Rad A.; Sadeghi E.; Varshosaz J. Comparison of efficacy and peripheral neuropathy of solvent-based paclitaxel with paclitaxel poliglumex and nk105: A systematic review and meta-analysis 2021 Current Pharmaceutical Design
362 Ariya M.; Koohpayeh F.; Ghaemi A.; Osati S.; Davoodi S.H.; Razzaz J.M.; Javedan G.; Ehrampoush E.; Homayounfar R. Assessment of the association between body composition and risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver 2021 PLoS ONE
363 Bagheri P.; Khalil D.; Seif M.; Khedmati Morasae E.; Bahramali E.; Azizi F.; Rezaianzadeh A. The dynamics of metabolic syndrome development from its isolated components among iranian children and adolescents: Findings from 17 Years of the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study (TLGS) 2021 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews
364 Mansoori H.; Darbeheshti F.; Daraei A.; Mokhtari M.; Tabei M.B.; Abdollahzadeh R.; Dastsooz H.; Bastami M.; Nariman-Saleh-Fam Z.; Salmani H.; Mansoori Y.; Tahmasebi S. Expression signature of lncRNA APTR in clinicopathology of breast cancer: Its potential oncogenic function in dysregulation of ErbB signaling pathway 2021 Gene Reports
365 Tabrizi R.; Lankarani K.B.; Kardeh B.; Akbari H.; Azarpazhooh M.R.; Borhani-Haghighi A. A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis on the risk factors of stroke in iranian population 2021 Archives of Iranian Medicine
366 Rezaei S.; Tabrizi R.; Nowrouzi-Sohrabi P.; Jalali M.; Shabani-Borujeni M.; Modaresi S.; Gholamalizadeh M.; Doaei S. The Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Anthropometric and Biochemical Indices in Patients With Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 2021 Frontiers in Pharmacology
367 Kasraian L.; Imanieh M.H.; Tabrizi R.; Shahriarirad R.; Erfani A.; Hosseini S. Prevalence of hbv and hcv infections in iranian blood donors; an updated systematic review and meta-analysis 2021 Middle East Journal of Digestive Diseases
368 Vakili S.; Torabinavid P.; Tabrizi R.; Shojazadeh A.; Asadi N.; Hessami K. The Association of Inflammatory Biomarker of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio with Spontaneous Preterm Delivery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 2021 Mediators of Inflammation
369 Namdar A.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Zamani M.; Montazeri A. Exploring the relationship between health literacy and fast food consumption: a population-based study from southern Iran 2021 BMC Public Health
370 Mohammadi F.; Tehranineshat B.; Bijani M.; Khaleghi A.A. Management of COVID-19-related challenges faced by EMS personnel: a qualitative study 2021 BMC Emergency Medicine
371 Saadi M.I.; Doosti A.; Jalali H.; Abdolyousefi E.N.; Hooshiyar M.; Tabrizi R.; Noshadi E. Cloning of bacillus subtilis phytase gene construct in escherichia coli 2021 Iranian Journal of Microbiology
372 Shahi A.; Shahnazar F.; Nematolahi S.; Dehghan A.; Shojaeifard M.B. Does exposure to radiation emitted from mobile jammers influence the spatial memory? 2021 International Journal of Radiation Research
373 Samieefar N.; Yari Boroujeni R.; Jamee M.; Lotfi M.; Golabchi M.R.; Afshar A.; Miri H.; Khazeei Tabari M.A.; Darzi P.; Abdullatif Khafaie M.; Amirheidari B.; Tamadon A.; Rambod Rad N.; Samimi N.; Farjam M.; Shiravi F.; Farshidi N.; Hedayati Ch M.; Doostkamel D.; Alikhani R.; Razmkhah M.; Abdollahifard S.; Nasiri Kalmarzi R.; Kelishadi R.; Khazaei H.; Aghamohammadi A.; Jafari Mousavi F.S.; Shamsizadeh M.; Khojasteh A.; Rezaei N. Country quarantine during COVID-19: Critical or not? 2021 Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
374 Mirahmadizadeh A.; Pourmontaseri Z.; Afrashteh S.; Hosseinzadeh M.; Karimi J.; Sharafi M. Sensitivity and specificity of chest computed tomography scan baseon rt-pcr in covid-19 diagnosis 2021 Polish Journal of Radiology
375 Ghazanfari T.; Salehi M.R.; Namaki S.; Arabkheradmand J.; Rostamian A.; Rajabnia Chenary M.; Ghaffarpour S.; Kaboudanian Ardestani S.; Edalatifard M.; Naghizadeh M.M.; Mohammadi S.; Mahloujirad M.; Izadi A.; Ghanaati H.; Beigmohammadi M.T.; Vodjgani M.; Mohammad Shirazi B.; Mirsharif E.S.; Abdollahi A.; Mohammadi M.; Emadi Kouchak H.; Dehghan Manshadi S.A.; Zamani M.S.; Mahmoodi Aliabadi M.; Jamali D.; Khajavirad N.; Mohseni Majd A.M.; Nasiri Z.; Faghihzadeh S. Interpretation of Hematological, Biochemical, and Immunological Findings of COVID-19 Disease: Biomarkers Associated with Severity and Mortality 2021 Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology
376 Khamseh M.E.; Sepanlou S.G.; Hashemi-Madani N.; Joukar F.; Mehrparvar A.H.; Faramarzi E.; Okati-Aliabad H.; Rahimi Z.; Rezaianzadeh A.; Homayounfar R.; Moradpour F.; Valizadeh N.; Kheirandish M.; Zaboli E.; Moslem A.; Ahmadi A.; Hamzeh B.; Harooni J.; Pourfarzi F.; Abolghasemi M.R.; Safarpour A.R.; Aminisani N.; Mohammadi Z.; Eghtesad S.; Poustchi H.; Malekzadeh R. Nationwide Prevalence of Diabetes and Prediabetes and Associated Risk Factors Among Iranian Adults: Analysis of Data from PERSIAN Cohort Study 2021 Diabetes Therapy
377 Rajabi A.; Shojaei A.; Janani L.; Farjam M.; Baradaran H.R.; Khosravi P.; Motevalian S.A. Cigarette Smoking Behavior a Gateway to Opium Use Disorder: A Mendelian Randomization Analysis 2021 Behavior Genetics
378 Rezaei S.; Gholamalizadeh M.; Tabrizi R.; Nowrouzi-Sohrabi P.; Rastgoo S.; Doaei S. The effect of L-arginine supplementation on maximal oxygen uptake: A systematic review and meta-analysis 2021 Physiological Reports
379 Pezhman B.; Fatemeh R.; Amir R.; Mahboobeh R.; Mohammad F. Nosocomial infections in an Iranian educational hospital: an evaluation study of the Iranian nosocomial infection surveillance system 2021 BMC Infectious Diseases
380 Bastami M.; Masotti A.; Saadatian Z.; Daraei A.; Farjam M.; Ghanbariasad A.; Vahed S.Z.; Eyvazi S.; Mansoori Y.; Nariman-Saleh-Fam Z. Critical roles of microRNA-196 in normal physiology and non-malignant diseases: Diagnostic and therapeutic implications 2021 Experimental and Molecular Pathology


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